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Maintaining some outperformance at the midpoint

Thiveyen Kathirrasan
Thiveyen Kathirrasan • 3 min read
Maintaining some outperformance at the midpoint
Photo Credit: Bloomberg
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Following the mid-year performance review for The Edge Singapore 2023’s global virtual portfolio last week, we are publishing the updated figures and transactions this issue.

To recap, our virtual portfolio was incepted on Jan 24, 2020 with 10 stocks that returned 98.1% for the year (Issue 917). The virtual portfolio’s starting value of US100,000 was equally allocated among 10 stock picks.

The Edge Singapore’s 2021 virtual portfolio returned 13.1% (Issue 972) while our 2022 virtual portfolio returned –9.8% (Issue 1021). Despite having losses in 2022, our portfolio still outperformed several comparable benchmarks.

Our global portfolio’s strategy for this year was to filter and select stocks that underperformed their respective benchmarks over the prior year, based on lessons learned from the previous selection of stocks over the years.

The stocks that were picked are all fundamentally sound, with a minimum cash flow profitability requirement. The top 10 stocks that made the final cut were based on our subjective valuations, where the ones that were trading most below their intrinsic value were chosen.

The Edge Singapore’s 2023 global virtual portfolio started on Jan 30 with US$202,154 ($272,760) and 10 stocks that returned 0.9% for the 41⁄2-month period to June 16.

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We sold Denso Corp on June 23 at JPY9,672 using the trading day’s opening prices, netting a return of 40.7%.

To replace Denso, we added Globalworth Real Estate Investments on June 26 at EUR3.06, also using the trading day’s opening prices.

Table 1 shows the updated 2023 portfolio as at June 26’s close, while Table 2 shows the stocks sold for The Edge Singapore’s 2023 portfolio.

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As with our previous portfolios, we will not account for transaction costs and exchange rate fluctuations in tracking the performance of our portfolio.

On the other hand, dividends and capital changes to the stocks will be accounted for in tracking the performance of the portfolio.

We will also buy, sell, add or reduce stocks for the portfolio based on our discretion when their investment theses have changed or the trading price has reached their intrinsic value.

For readers who wish to utilise the information from our latest stock picks and portfolio changes for their own investment research, they can do so on EdgeInvest, where a trackable virtual portfolio will be accessible.

Disclaimer: This is a virtual portfolio for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or solicitation or expression of views to influence readers to buy or sell stocks, including the stocks mentioned herein. This portfolio does not take into account the investor’s financial situation, investment objectives, investment horizon, risk profile, risk tolerance and preferences. Any personal investments should be done at the investor’s own discretion and/ or after consulting licensed investment professionals, at their own risk.

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