When JUNG, a pioneer in modern building technology, collaborates with QUADE, a versatile design firm spanning residential, commercial, hospitality and retail sectors, a magical creative synergy emerges.

QUADE’s methodology centres on forward-thinking principles that nurture both creativity and utility. Their core philosophy celebrates the art of intricate craftsmanship, often hidden beneath seemingly simple surfaces. They firmly believe that every space should be meticulously planned, customised to its intended use, and cherished by those who inhabit it.

Since its inception in Germany in 1912, JUNG has led the way in modern building technology. A family-owned enterprise, JUNG has crafted a diverse range of automation systems for lighting, blinds, air conditioning, security, and beyond. Revered for their innovation and exactness, JUNG products blend technical expertise with timeless design seamlessly. Their solutions are sought by prominent architects and interior designers worldwide, gracing prestigious locations such as the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore.

In this discussion, we delve into the collaboration between QUADE’s Creative Director, Billy Pang, and JUNG, focusing on technology’s pivotal role in meeting client sustainability objectives.

Could you share the story of how your design company was founded? What inspired you to delve into smart, sustainable living?

QUADE was founded by three individuals from different walks of life with a vision — to provide excellent design solutions to our clients, enhancing their lifestyle experiences. We have been offering our services since 2010. Sustainable design aims to create spaces that positively impact our climate, environment and society. This allows us to not only bring awareness but to also cofound an understanding of how crucial the role of designing plays into sustainability, environmental impacts and climate change.

Can you expand on your design philosophy and how JUNG’s smart solutions support it?

Design should be timeless and evolve through form, feeling, and function. It establishes a core set of beliefs about quality, integrity, and employs a system of standards to further push our designs while still fulfilling our client’s needs within the space. 

The smart solutions provided by JUNG have inspired our designs with the experience of better solutions for a more comfortable living experience. Whereby evolving the space to provide more comfort and ease in our client’s home with simplicity and lifestyle.

Could you tell us about some projects you are particularly proud of and where JUNG products were instrumental in the design?

There was a specific project in Kelantan where we chose the JUNG LS 990 Les Couleurs ® Le Corbusier series and JUNG KNX Systems. Switches are often an afterthought to interiors; however, in this case, we made it a beautifully crafted statement piece that complements home automation for practicality and elegance.

Paired with both functionality and aesthetics, it enhanced the project’s design to feel unique and beautiful while still being simple and elegant. The range of colour choices brings forth a wide variety of design possibilities, challenging us to play around and develop a design most suitable for the given space.

What design challenges do you face as an interior designer in today’s market, and how do you address them?

The challenges, I would say, lie in providing solutions that are constantly evolving due to changes in aspects of life, technological advancements, and adaptation to society’s demands and needs. Therefore, as solutions providers, we must be versatile and adapt to new ideas. We must continue to search for new suppliers to ensure better quality products that enhance our designs. This involves conducting careful research into the use of recycled, recyclable, natural, and low-impact materials that are also highly durable to increase the product lifecycle.

Do you think JUNG’s range of smart home solutions complements the textures, colours and materials you typically use in your designs?

From being a fan to a follower, I truly believe in the products and services that JUNG provides.

I found it a relatively simple and well-designed product that fits every aspect. From form to function and feeling, it meets all the requirements to offer complete design solutions. With their innovative and accommodating systems, I believe that working with JUNG has been providing us with a chance to fulfil our visions of providing simplicity in work and life. Working together with them has proven that our vision is no mere dream, but made into reality through JUNG’s technological advancement and systems.

Are there any smart home design trends that excite you, and how have JUNG products helped you incorporate these trends into your work?

Pairing technology with design in this era is always challenging, especially when automation is seen as the new norm. Being an interior designer, I place a lot of emphasis on statement pieces within each space. Take switches for example. Small and even trivial when compared to other interiors. Yet, such a minor component can be where we could project creativity in the space.

What I mean is that a switch should not just look good; it needs to play a part in practicality, which is why I love working with brands like JUNG. Their switches have the right tactile feel and come in a variety of genuine metals and colours. I especially love the JUNG LS 990 Les Couleurs ® Le Corbusier range, and when paired with the JUNG KNX Systems, it provides the ultimate solution for the final touch of my design. This is what gets me excited, brands that understand our clients’ needs. 

How have JUNG solutions offered distinctive experiences or functionality in the homes you have designed?

In the most human way possible, JUNG solutions aim to cater to humanity’s need to adapt to evolving technologies. It effortlessly guides people to live adaptively, paving the way for future-proof lifestyles to evolve into sustainable growth for generations to come.

How do you combine traditional design with modern technology in homes, and could you provide an example of how JUNG products have facilitated this blend?

In modern society, it is essential for us to adapt to the concept of evolution. Technologies will continue to evolve and alter the way people live. As a designer, I live by the code “Go Digital, Stay Human.”

Cultural impact is a crucial aspect of my design work. It enhances the appeal of design solutions by evoking emotions. However, we need to balance this with the form and functionality of products and solutions. This ensures a cohesive design approach from the supply chain to the completion, offering new experiences for the modern nomad.

Could you describe a project where JUNG technology was pivotal in achieving a client’s sustainability objectives?

I recently completed a residential project for a family with members ranging from 10 to 80 years old.

Catering for three generations in a household, we had to be mindful of each of their needs while providing ease and convenience. For instance, we opted for sensors to trigger the lights to turn on the stairways instead of switches here so the family would not have to reach out to turn on and off the lights, which may pose a risk while trying to come up and down the stairs during the night. 

Home automation provides ease and comfort to homeowners with different needs. A living room can transform from a daily functional scene to a party scene with just a touch of a button. I had chosen to integrate the project with smart home switches from JUNG as it was easy for our clients to understand and adapt. The support and consultations provided by JUNG have played a significant role in educating clients and helping them embrace these ideas.

Products from JUNG bridge the gap for users to embrace technology, where the design creates unique systems and products capable of enhancing and simplifying everyday life.

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