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PUB appoints Surbana Jurong to study impact of sea level rise on Singapore's northwest shores

Jovi Ho
Jovi Ho • 3 min read
PUB appoints Surbana Jurong to study impact of sea level rise on Singapore's northwest shores
The 24km coastline under study stretches from Tuas Checkpoint to Lim Chu Kang jetty.
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PUB has appointed Surbana Jurong Group to undertake a site-specific study of Singapore’s northwest coast to protect against sea level rise.

The 24km coastline under study stretches from Tuas Checkpoint to Lim Chu Kang jetty and comprises mainly the Tengeh, Poyan, Murai and Sarimbun reservoirs, as well as military camps and training areas, reads an April 18 press release.

Mangrove habitats are also present along some sections of the coastline. This study follows the City-East Coast study from May 2021. It will develop the measures needed to protect the four coastal reservoirs from seawater and ensure their structural integrity.

Hazel Khoo, director of PUB’s Coastal Protection Department, says protecting this particular section of the northwest coast is crucial for Singapore’s water supply. “Our coastal reservoirs are a critical water supply source that will require protection. There are also some areas along this coastline that contain mangrove habitats, and PUB will work with the relevant agencies to explore the potential of implementing hybrid solutions that combine existing natural elements with hard engineering measures.”

Surbana Jurong’s coastal engineering team will start with an assessment of the risks from rising sea levels and intense rainfall. Coastal and inland drainage adaptation measures will then be explored to address the impacts from climate change.

James Lam, senior director, coastal engineering, Surbana Jurong, says: “The northwest’s unique coastline presents an opportunity to combine nature and engineering-based hybrid solutions as a way to innovate adaptation measures and ensure coastal protection and sustainable development.”

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For this study, Surbana Jurong will work with its partner, Denmark-based environmental consultancy DHI. Both parties previously completed the Coastal Adaptation Study (CAS), held from 2013 to 2019.

The CAS was a first-of-its-kind study commissioned by the Singapore government to assess the impact of sea level rise on the country’s coastline. Findings from the CAS form the foundation of PUB’s ongoing coastal protection work, says Surbana Jurong.

Yeo Choon Chong, CEO, ASEAN, Surbana Jurong Group, says: “The first Coastal Adaptation Study gave us a thorough understanding of the impacts associated with climate change. With this new study of Singapore’s northwest shores, we will be taking these valuable insights and combining them with nature-based and engineering approaches to create adaptive measures for the long-term sustainability of Singapore’s coastal development.”

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Yeo adds: “So much human activity happens in our coastal areas, including maritime activities, aviation, residential development and recreation. Our teams are excited about using our extensive knowledge, decades of experience and advanced technology to overcome the increasingly complex coastal engineering challenges we face with climate change and rising seas.”

Photo: Bloomberg


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