

Lee and Anwar warn of economic costs of US, China rivalry

"Economic imperatives are being overshadowed by national security concerns"
Tech will be like an oasis in the desert - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Digital Economy

Tech will be like an oasis in the desert

The prospects of tech stocks amid the wider market woes are akin to an oasis in a desert


BIS, Asean central banks explore fund transfers across borders

The plan follows a successful linkage of the Eurosystem with Malaysia and Singapore via a prototype of Project Nexus.
Thailand heads for elections as Prayuth dissolves parliament - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Thailand heads for elections as Prayuth dissolves parliament

By law, a national vote must be held within 60 days of the dissolution of parliament.


Asean equities earnings growth to remain resilient in 2023: Cambridge Associates

Analysts forecast Asean earnings per share to grow 31.1% in US dollar terms in 2022 and 14.3% for 2023.

SE Asian economies

Indonesia consolidates its place in Asia

The coming presidential election will offer its citizens an opportunity to demonstrate their fealty to the idea of Indonesia

Investing strategies

Eastspring: Gap between winners and losers to widen in 'New Asia'

Active management and local knowledge will be even more critical.


The world economy this year: Not so scary after all

Policymakers in southeast Asia have done well in building the region’s resilience against the potential negatives.
BTS Group is determined to provide safe and reliable transport for its people - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 Awards Singapore

BTS Group is determined to provide safe and reliable transport for its people

Before the BTS Skytrain existed, Bangkok was known for its terrific traffic jams


Prospects of the Anwar moment in Malaysia

Anwar is the man of the moment in Malaysia. The times need him as much as he needs them.