China View
China Focus
A little thought when bearing gifts
This week, Daryl Guppy talks about the art of gift giving, especially among Chinese business partners.
November 27, 2022
China Focus
China's changing conventions
In this article, Guppy explains the intricacies of exchanging business cards or WeChat scans in China.
November 18, 2022
China Focus
CAEXPO joins RCEP for business
CAEXPO confirms the viability of China’s business with the region and the context of RCEP.
November 10, 2022
China Focus
Chip bans impact business with China
The implications of Biden's chip ban go well beyond semiconductors, says Guppy.
October 28, 2022
China Focus
Uncovering China’s market opportunity
The partial withdrawal of service and consumer companies from China leaves a vacuum, and like all vacuums, it will get filled.
October 13, 2022
China Focus
China View: Lost in translation
Western business survival in China usually depends on somebody else — your translator, says Daryl Guppy.
September 30, 2022
China Focus
The art of saving and giving face in China
The concept of “face” is essential to doing business in China, but recent turbulence has made these ideas even more relevant.
August 19, 2022
China Focus
A culture of giving, saving and earning face
Working in China, we must be mindful of face in the interest of our Chinese colleagues and ourselves.
August 12, 2022
China Focus
Why investors shouldn't bet against China
China is too large to be ignored and investors are unwise to bet against China.
August 05, 2022
China Focus
Changing Chinese consumer preferences
What is of particular interest is the changing composition of this most recent digital economy sale, says Guppy.
June 30, 2022