

MindChamps 1Q earnings grow 23% to $0.4 mil on the back of overseas expansion

SINGAPORE (May 14): MindChamps Preschool Limited announced earnings of $0.4 million for 1Q19, rising 23% from $0.3 million a year ago on higher revenue.


Olam's 1Q earnings grow 6.9% to $169 mil with improved operating performance

SINGAPORE (May 14): Olam International has announced earnings of $168.9 million for 1Q19, rising 6.9% y-o-y from $158 million due to improved operating performance, which was offset in part by increased depreciation and finance costs.  


Oxley reports more than doubling of 3Q earnings on Chevron House fair value gain

SINGAPORE (May 13): Oxley Holdings saw it earnings jump 121% to $67.4 million for the 3Q19 ended March, from $30.6 million a year ago.


Hyphens Pharma's 1Q earnings fall 20% to $1.4 mil on lower revenue, higher admin expenses

SINGAPORE (May 13): Hyphens Pharma International has delivered 1Q19 earnings of $1.4 million, down 20.3% y-o-y from $1.8 million due to lower revenue as well as higher administrative expenses.


Sasseur REIT beats IPO forecast by 9.3% with 1Q DPU of 1.656 cents

SINGAPORE (May 13): The manager of Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust (Sasseur REIT) has declared distribution per unit (DPU) of 1.656 cents for the 1Q19 ended March, some 9.3% higher than its IPO projection of 1.515 cents.


UG Healthcare's 1Q earnings down 41% at $0.7 mil on higher expenses

SINGAPORE (May 13): Glove manufacturer UG Healthcare Corporation reported earnings of $0.7 million for the 3Q ended March, down 41.3% from $1.1 million a year ago due to higher operating expenses.


Sinarmas Land announces 55% rise in 1Q earnings to $43.3 mil on revenue growth, lower expenses

SINGAPORE (May 13): Sinarmas Land has reported 54.6% higher 1Q earnings of $43.3 million from $28 million in 1Q18, which came on the back higher revenue and margins as well as lower expenses.


Riverstone reports 2.8% decline in 1Q earnings to $6.5 mil on lower margins

SINGAPORE (May 13): Riverstone Holdings, the manufacturer of specialised cleanroom and healthcare gloves, saw its earnings fall 2.8% to RM30.2 million for the 1Q19 ended March, from RM31.1 million a year ago, on the back of lower gross profit margin.


Heeton posts 83.5% lower 1Q earnings of $1.1 mil on lower other income & share of associates

SINGAPORE (May 13): Heeton Holdings has announced earnings of $1.1 million for 1Q19, down 83.5% from $6.7 million a year ago, mainly due to other operating income and share of results of associated companies and joint venture companies.


Thomson Medical Group begins FY19 with million-dollar 1Q loss on higher finance costs

SINGAPORE (May 13): Thomson Medical Group (TMG), formerly known as Rowsley, has announced a $1 million loss for the 1Q ended March, reversing from earnings of $89,000 in 1Q18 due to a spike in finance costs in the recent quarter under review.