income inequality

Wealth and income inequality Singapore's unwanted birthday presents - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Wealth and income inequality Singapore's unwanted birthday presents

In a normal year, household wealth should track GDP. This was upturned last year, when the rich got richer despite the pandemic.

Singapore economy

Uneven recovery raises spectre of widening income gap

How Singapore’s economy recovers from the pandemic will affect income inequality here.

Inclusive society

How inequality fuels Covid-19 deaths

Three countries — the United States, Brazil, and Mexico — account for nearly half (46%) of the world’s reported Covid-19 deaths, yet they contain only 8.6% of the world’s population.


Why the wealth and income gap is widening

(Dec 22): The report published recently by the Paris School of Economics measures income and wealth inequality around the world and reveals the high share of total income accounted for by the top earners, reflecting a very worrying situation. The report n