real estate
Investing strategies
With no more annual Christmas gift of asset price appreciation, try greenifying real estate
'It was very beautiful and very easy while you could have it, but obviously I believe that no longer holds'
December 20, 2023
Investing strategies
China does not share Japan's obsession with golfing, nor a 'balance sheet recession'
At the previous peak, Japan was trading at more than 70 times earnings; China's recent peak was 15 times
December 07, 2023
China Focus
China to extend policies to support ailing property market
Loan repayments can be postponed for a year
July 10, 2023
kopi-C: the Company brew
PropNex CEO: We've built a culture that can't be replicated
PropNex's decision to protect consumers’ interests and upgrade professionalism set the pace for the industry to follow
July 05, 2023
Corporate moves
Metro solidifies its position as property investment company; set to expand PBSA portfolio
Metro Holdings plans to grow its PBSA portfolio in the near- to mid-term.
June 15, 2023
Singapore orders review after outcry over ministers' home rents
PM Lee is looking into the property rental prices of two ministers that are allegedly below market value.
May 24, 2023
Company in the news
LHN confident about outlook as it rides co-living boom
LHN is in an expansion mode and is upbeat on the co-living sector.
May 11, 2023
Working from home and the last shoe to drop
What is going on with downtown office space in global cities?
April 26, 2023
Billion Dollar Club 2022
Ho Bee Land wins best returns to shareholders
"Our strong and robust recurring income stream allows us to navigate these uncertainties from a position of strength."
November 10, 2022
Global review
China's property market: The frequently asked questions
The slowdown in the Chinese real estate market has put pressure on China’s GDP growth.
October 13, 2022