technological disruption

Investors need to check out of Airbnb - THE EDGE SINGAPORE

Sharing Economy

Investors need to check out of Airbnb

Airbnb's value doubled on its opening day last month. At US$100b, it is worth more than the Hilton, Marriot and Hyatt combined.
Hope and imagination key to surviving past 'Nike-shaped' Covid-19 recovery - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Hope and imagination key to surviving past 'Nike-shaped' Covid-19 recovery

Businesses need to position themselves for the post Covid-19 economy by undertaking agile business transformation.


Globalisation needs an upgraded operating system

SINGAPORE (Apr 15): The G20 Leaders’ Summit in London on April 2, 2009, is widely regarded as one of the best examples of global cooperation in a generation. Meeting as a group for only the second time, leaders of the world’s top economies, accounting