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bank lending

Singapore economy was 'generally in better shape' in 2Q2021 compared to 2Q2020: OCBC economist - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore economy was 'generally in better shape' in 2Q2021 compared to 2Q2020: OCBC economist

Bank lending was up 1.5% in June, the fastest it has grown since July 2020.
Singapore's bank lending increases by 0.7% in March - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending increases by 0.7% in March

Singapore’s bank lending rose for the fifth consecutive month in March.
Singapore's bank lending edges up by 0.5% in February - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending edges up by 0.5% in February

Singapore’s bank lending rose for the fourth consecutive month in February.
Singapore's bank lending continues growth streak for third month in January 2021 - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending continues growth streak for third month in January 2021

Singapore’s bank lending increased in January following higher loans to businesses.
Singapore's bank lending continued to grow for second month in December 2020 - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending continued to grow for second month in December 2020

Singapore’s bank lending increased in December, thanks to the continued growth in housing loans.
Singapore's bank lending slows for eighth month following drop in loans to businesses - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending slows for eighth month following drop in loans to businesses

Total bank lending dipped 0.3% month-on-month to $677.46 billion in October.
Singapore's bank lending slows for seventh month in September - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending slows for seventh month in September

Singapore’s bank lending dipped for the seventh month in September, following a decline in both business and consumer loans.
Singapore's bank lending slowed for the sixth month in August - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending slowed for the sixth month in August

August’s bank lending level slipped as loans to businesses and consumers fell.

Broker's Calls

General commerce, manufacturing loans still hit by sustained contractions: CGS-CIMB

Singapore’s banks are still experiencing broad-based business contraction, says CGS-CIMB, and while credit growth may pick up as GDP recovers, the end of moratoriums could deepen asset quality pressures.
Singapore's bank lending drops for fifth month in July - THE EDGE SINGAPORE


Singapore's bank lending drops for fifth month in July

A month has passed with Singapore’s bank lending rate declining as both business and consumer loans took a hit.