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Danish Breweries

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No Signboard Holdings to put subsidiary Danish Breweries under liquidation

According to the group, the liquidation will contribute positively to its EPS for the current FY as the subsidiary is loss-making.


No Signboard reports FY18 loss of $2.3 mil as beer business underperforms

SINGAPORE (Nov 29): No Signboard Holdings reversed into a full-year loss of $2.3 million from earnings of $7.7 million a year ago due an underperforming beer business subsidiary -- Danish Breweries.

No Signboard buys remaining 20% stake in Danish Breweries; signs franchise deal with Little Sheep hotpot

SINGAPORE (June 18): F&B group No Signboard has acquired the remaining 20% stake in Danish Breweries as well as signed a franchise agreement to develop and operate Little Sheep restaurants in Singapore.