In the dynamic world of interior design, Surface ID Studio emerges as a standout player, with a backstory rooted in craftsmanship and a forward-thinking approach that sets it apart from the competition.

Founded in 2015 initially as a furniture business specialising in custom-made pieces for commercial projects, Surface ID has since evolved into a full-fledged design house. Boasting a team of seasoned interior designers, the studio has made a name for itself by creating and curating showflats for numerous luxury condominiums, earning accolades along the way.

Some notable projects include Normanton Park, The Hill @ One-North, Skywaters Residences, and Eden Residences Capitol, which won the company a gold award at the recent 2023 Muse Design Awards, under the Interior Design — Residential category. This is an International Design Award that recognises excellence in a variety of design disciplines across the globe.

Managing director Alex Chua says: “Winning awards is a win-win for all. It’s a recognition of team effort for a job well done for our clients. This is a good feather in our cap because future developers are assured of the quality works by engaging an award-winning company.”

Another core business for Surface ID is working closely with architects to build Good Class Bungalows. The company also has a special flair for dressing up unsold condo units (also called in-situ units) to be repromoted. “We have a very high hit rate with the sale of furnished in-situ units — as many as 35 units for one condo,” he adds.

He attributes their success to good design that appeals to a broad spectrum of people. Chua explains: “For us to do our jobs well, we need to understand demographics. We have to find out who are the likely buyers. As part of our feasibility study, we survey the site and its surroundings to understand who would live there. If there are international schools around, for example, it may attract more foreigners and families, so the interiors are designed to appeal to this target audience.”

Asian oriental touch

What distinguishes the Surface ID approach is solid market knowledge, an international network and a choice selection of furniture, art and design that maintain or appreciate in value.

Surface ID does not have a particular trademark style. Every design is bespoke as the team curates it closely with the clients but it has found a niche in modern contemporary aesthetics with an Asian Oriental twist. Imagine plush sofas, glittering chandeliers and soft furnishings contrasted by rare vintage items and strong architectural lines. “It’s not the traditional redwood style of furniture, but there’s a lot of luxurious details while still being very subtle, classy and timeless,” he describes.

For Chua, it is important to stay up to date with design trends around the world. Aside from visiting trade events like the annual Milan Furniture Fair, the company makes it a point to take its employees on overseas trips to have a greater appreciation for all aspects of design. “We stay in luxury hotels to understand and look closer at all the finer architectural details of the property, which is also a nice treat for the team at the same time. Sometimes, you’ll find us standing in a corridor or lift just examining the plaster on the walls,” he laughs.

Embracing innovation

What distinguishes Surface ID from its peers is its adept incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), employing 3D rendering software to translate conceptual sketches into tangible, immersive designs. This tech-savvy approach ensures an unparalleled level of precision and a seamless transition from the digital blueprint to the physical space.

“During Covid-19, we were in lockdown. We had to re-invent to sustain the company. I found myself working with some companies that did AI. We would translate a design into a 3D virtual tour. These virtual tours helped prospective buyers better understand the spatial quality of the units and helped them decide without visiting a physical showflat. We did this for various developers to help promote their new properties,” shares Chua.

“I believe that innovation is key to survival now. We can’t simply do sketches anymore. We need to use innovation as a tool to entice buyers and help developers with their marketing.”

Time is money

Speed is another factor where Surface ID takes the lead. The studio’s commitment to efficiency allows it to complete projects in half the time compared to competitors. One of the fastest in the market, Surface ID has completed 25 projects this year, each done in an average span of six weeks.

Chua attributes the speedy turnaround and quality assurance to having his own in-house carpentry arm in Singapore, a furniture factory in China that specialises in customisation, and a warehouse full of home accessories.

In a field where timelines often stretch, this rapid turnaround sets Surface ID apart, delivering on the promise of swiftly bringing quality dream homes to life. “People are always shocked how we can finish so fast. It would take most companies a few months to complete.”

Finding the right interior designer is crucial for transforming your space into a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment. But the most important is securing one that possesses a unique blend of qualities that goes beyond a mere sense of style.

In essence, Surface ID Studio is not just a design firm; it’s a strategic blend of experience, innovation, and efficiency. Homeowners engaging with Surface ID can expect a marriage of artistry and functionality, translating into homes that are aesthetically pleasing and reflect a pragmatic understanding of modern living.

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