market sentiment
Tong's Portfolio
Do the opposite of those who are wrong most times
Conversely, you can also profit by doing the opposite of those who are wrong more often than right.
December 01, 2022
Global review
Encouraging signs are on the horizon
Along with the westward move of this unfolding health care crisis, markets have declined and become increasingly volatile. In addition, steeply falling oil prices have worsened the situation.
April 09, 2020
Global Economy
Tweets, tariffs damage market sentiment; tread cautiously, says Phillip Futures analyst
SINGAPORE (June 10): The outlook for 2H2019 is downbeat, as analysts see slowing growth — as a result of US protectionism — and shifting supply chains affecting markets. The Straits Times Index — which started 2019 at 3,068 — is still in positive
June 07, 2019
Where does Noble go from here? Consider these scenarios
SINGAPORE (May 18): A quarter of unexpected losses, the implications of sustained cash burn, and inadequate guidance have now snowballed into a crisis of market confidence for Noble Group.
May 18, 2017